What╒s more powerful than a Double Espresso? Faster than a speeding Jamaican Blue Mountain special? Able to leap tall Latte Grandes in a single bound?
Its Java_ from Sun Microsystems. Coming from a different Sun, the way cool Java programming language is muscling its way onto the Internet with powers beyond those of mortal computer languages. Flying on the vapor trails of the very successful World-Wide-Web (WWW) service across the ubiquitous Internet, Java is not just a mild-mannered computer programming language working in a metropolitan area network. The technology represented by Java holds the promise of a totally new way of providing products and services to consumers and promises truth, justice and an effective way of programming the information superhighway.
Primordial eSoup
Back in 1990, Sun decided to fold a Sparcstation in half, convert the user╒s finger to a pointing device, borrow some thin-wire technology from NeWS and explore an entree into consumer electronics, a humongous but potentially risky market for the decidedly technoid workstation company. As part of this tentative step outside the technical computing arena, the management at Sun found the then-promising interactive television market very alluring. After all, other non-Sun folks were also hearing the siren call of the Super TV e.g., Macintosh software wizard Andy Hertzfeld and Mr. Charisma, Steve Jobs. Techie thoughts of programming the VCR by dragging entries from an on-screen TV Guide onto the VCR icon danced through everyone╒s heads. Unfortunately, TV viewers decided that being a coach potato wasn╒t all that bad; no one really wanted to interact with their television (given the quality of television these days, who can blame them?). Screen Gem it wasn╒t.
The project was sent off to join Gilligan, the Skipper and the 3 hour cruise in the sky. However Bill Joy, the chief propeller head of Sun Microsystems and the Juan Valdez (╥the demanding one╙) of the Java world, was enamored with a clever programming language used in the interactive TV project. Invented by software developer extraordinairre James Gosling, the OAK language was redirected towards steering the rocketship known as the World Wide Web. Being a fan of small, interpreted languages, Joy thought this language could be the perfect coin of the realm for portable, ubiquitous, Internet programming. Nostradamus couldn╒t have picked a better winner.
After renaming the decidedly non-consumer sounding OAK to a more fun-sounding Java, and a proof-of-concept web browser application called WebRunner now with the moniker HotJava (both OAK and WebRunner were previously trademarked), the folks at Sun released the neat technology into the cyber kinetic world of the Web.
The Frenzy
So its a useful technology, but why is it white hot? Timing. The success of any innovation depends just as much on its market and political, socio-economic timing as on its creativity and utility. Some call it serendipity; some call it plain luck. For example, Elvis and the Beatles had obvious talent, but the enormity of their popularity resulted from by surfing a few key waves. Elvis rescued the United States out of its postwar doldrums and the Fab Four took us out of the malaise and constraints of the 1950╒s. Java performs a similar favor by liberating the software community from the battles of the late 80╒s and the tedium of the early 90╒s.
The immense popularity of Java is a confluence of many circumstances, e.g., developers sick of the complexity and largess of C++, PC programmers tired of dealing with an arcane OLE and goofy Hungarian notation, window mavens ho-humming Motif and X Window, corporate IT architects complaining of the awkwardness of writing multi-platform software, programmers weary of developing distributed applications with RPC and XDR, users and advertisers worrying about the lack of interactivity and security with the Web, hardware vendors drooling over the idea of ubiquitous computing devices, and probably not least of all, the growing anti-Microsoft sentiment (after all, it╒s human nature to root for the little guy, and there╒s nothing little about Microsoft).
Hypermedia + Interactivity = Hyperactivity
Imagine that there is a system that allows one to interact with all sorts of applications on the Internet. And not only does this system allow you to write programs that run over the Internet, it also provides a high degree of security to programs and users, protects programmers from their own mistakes and offers neat multimedia functionality to display images, play audio and video clips. But wait, there╒s more; this ideal technology also runs on many different types of machines like PC╒s, Macintosh_ and powerful Sun workstations without any additional programming wizardry! Heck, it even will run on machines that haven╒t been invented yet! This is what Java technology promises, but does it deliver the goods?
Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented computer programming language that offers special features that allow programs to take advantage of the power and flexibility of the Internet.
Apps and AppNots
There are four different types of programs you can write using Java, applications, applets, content handlers and protocol handlers. Java applications are standalone programs that require the assistance of the java interpreter to run. The HotJava Web browser is an example of a Java application. On a Solaris machine, the ╥hotjava╙ program is actually a shell script wrapper that invokes the Java interpreter (java) with the ╥compiled╙ hotjava application code (ie, its class file) as an argument. Java applications are analogous to C/C++ applications; they run independently of any Web browser.
Java applets are small applications that are embedded on Web pages. Applets are more security-conscious than Java applications; there are many restrictions on the behavior of applets. For example, unlike applications, applets cannot dynamically link in older C or C++ code. A Java applet requires a browser (or another Java application) to run. Java applets are given a piece of screen real-estate to draw, a thread of execution and require the use of another Java program (i.e., a browser) to actually run.
The remaining two types of Java programs, content and protocol handlers, are special purpose Java programs that allow Web browsers to dynamically understand new data types such as QuickTime movies, voice recognition or PhotoCD data and new protocols like MIDI or a proprietary stock trading protocol. These types of Java programs make it possible for Java-compliant web browsers to dynamically handle new types of data on the fly. Got a cool site thats offering music in MIDI format, but your browser does know how to handle it? No problem if you have Java. The MIDI handler would be downloaded to your browser along with the data for the handler. Handlers are similar in philosophy to ╥helper apps╙ in Netscape, except they are infinitely more secure. While not as popular as Java applications and applets, handlers are critical components for internet appliances. They would allow new and safe behavior to be added dynamically to a consumer product that if implemented in a more rigid technology, would be a maintenance and security nightmare.
The Officially Sanctioned Buzzword Feature List From The Home Office In Mountain View
Simple - Java is a simple and elegant language whose syntax is reminiscent of the enfant terrible of modern computer science, the C++ programming language, except that some of the rarely used, esoteric or redundant ╥features╙ of C++ were eliminated (pause here for wild audience applause). One could describe the Java/C++ comparison as addition by subtraction; James Gosling likes to describe Java as ╥C++ without the guns, knives or clubs╙. It was made simpler primarily to give programmers fewer ways of making mistakes. Once the back-end Java compiler is available, I would expect Java to completely dethrone C++ as the ruling programming language of choice. Long live Java, the wicked witch is dead.
Object-Oriented - Unlike C++, Java requires that everything must be an object (modulo the primitive types like int, double, etc.). Global data or standalone functions are not allowed, again unlike C++. Every class in Java is directly or indirectly descendent from the grandfather of all classes in Java, the Object class. For those new to object-oriented programming, this means that Object is the root of the inheritance hierarchy; every object possesses at least the same methods (member functions to the C++ crowd) described by Object. In Java parlance, every class ╥extends╙ directly or indirectly from the Object class.
Distributed - From its inception Java was designed to be run over a network. It has inherent extensive TCP/IP and HTTP capabilities. But note that even though Java is typically used on the Web, Java can be used as a replacement for C++ in corporate development shops given a bit more maturity and the availability of the back-end (╥just-in-time╙) compiler. SunSoft has also announced that they will soon bring CORBA-style Interface Definition Language bindings to Java, so that Java programs will be able to invoke remote procedures in server-based objects over a net.
Interpreted - Similar to other conventional programming languages, Java programs are written by knowledgeable programmers using the Java source language (and saved in files with a .java extension) and translated to a format that allows it to run on your computer hardware. However, unlike other conventional language translators, the ever-stringent Java ╥compiler╙ converts Java source code into a machine-independent format that allow it to run on any computer hardware that has the Java runtime system (the ╥Java Virtual Machine╙). These Java ╥bytecodes╙, named because the majority of the binary opcodes are 1 byte in length for efficiency, are really the key to application portability in the Java environment. This notion of an abstract machine is heavily borrowed from Kenneth Bowles╒ innovative P-System used in UCSD Pascal (circa early 1980╒s).
Since the Java runtime system is actually independent from the Java source language that a programmer would create, other languages and other tools could potentially generate the machine-independent Java bytecodes. There╒s nothing to stop someone from creating a version of BASIC that generated Java bytecodes; and it would be 100% compatible with bytecodes generated by the standard Java translator. There╒s also no reason why a visual development development complete with drag-and-drop, point-and-click, cash-and-carry features could not directly generate Java bytecodes.
Robust - One of the best and worst features of languages like C and C++ is the abstraction of a pointer, that is, a machine address. Pointers and pointer manipulation can be used by knowledgeable programmers to tremendous advantage in these legacy languages; however, many times they are the cause of hard to find run-time errors. Does the term memory leak strike fear in your hearts fellow code warriors? Pure Software, a publicly traded company exists solely because pointers (and careless programmers) cause memory leaks or unexplained run-time bogosities. Java eliminates pointer manipulation completely from the language and in doing so eliminates a large source of runtime errors. In addition, developers don╒t even have to remember to deallocate memory in Java; there is a (decidedly non-optimal) garbage collection mechanism that does the trick.
Secure - Java is a client-side technology. After the translation to Java bytecode phase, Java programs are, in effect, downloaded from the host machine using conventional Web server technology (i.e., using HTTP) and then run on your client machine. Since we╒re now downloading Java programs located all over the world to our own machine, some precautions are taken to attempt to prevent computer viruses from being spread to your machine. The Java runtime system doesn╒t assume anything; it looks at the incoming Java bytecodes and verifies that the program code is safe. If it isn╒t safe, the runtime system rejects the code and refuses to run it; sort of like a code bouncer. Once the strict verification process has been passed, the little application (applet) then proceeds to run.
Saying that it is certain that Java is totally safe and completely secure might be a tad too risky. There are only three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and Shark Week on the Discovery Channel; beyond these certainties, nothing is guaranteed. But Java is certainly dramatically more secure than most current distributed programming technologies given its youth, certainly vastly more secure than C or C++. Clearly there are some security problems to fix and yet-discovered holes to be found. Based on discussions in the comp.lang.java and comp.security Usenet newsgroups, there are some several interesting and non-interesting ways to circumvent Java security. As Java and the internet mature, security will certainly improve.
Architecture Neutral and Portable- The Java bytecodes are independent of any underlying architecture. Byte endian issues are, for the most part, negligible. Character sets are Unicode based for internationally portable applications. If you use certain file I/O classes, you can render your data portable as your Java code. For example, the DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes utilize eXternal Data Representation to normalize your data to a network canonical format (in other words, your data can be used by many different types of processors and machines). The portable Java run-time system is or will be shortly available (currently in non-production states) on a variety of systems including Solaris, Windows 95 and Windows NT, SunOS 4.1.3, AIX, HP/UX, OS/2, OSF/1, GEOS, etc.
High Performance - Currently, Java╒s run-time environment is interpretive, and as techies, we know that interpreters exact a performance toll. Performance figures discussed in the java newsgroup seem to range from 20-30 times slower for CPU-intensive programs to 5 times slower for some network-based programs. Sun is promising performance rivaling native C/C++ speed once the interpreter in the run-time environment is converted to a ╥just-in-time╙ class compiler. But despite an anticipated performance degradation, Java can be made to perform some surprisingly powerful stunts. Check out http://www.geom.umn.edu/~daeron/apps/CV/viewer.html and http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/java3d to see how much performance these clever programmers have squeezed out of a beta version of an interpreted language. Care to bet on Java performance futures?
Multithreaded - The notion of multithreading is basically the ability to run several tasks within the context of one large application. For most applications, multithreading improves interactive performance. Not only does Java give programmers the ability create threads, Java itself is inherently multithreaded. The garbage collection subsystem runs as a low-priority thread for example. Since multithreaded applications typically share data (all threads of an application live in the same data space), they were often difficult to build reliably. It was necessary to mediate concurrent access to thread data a la shared memory in System V Unix or Windows NT using awkward semaphore or mutex constructs. To make it easy for programmers to use threads, Java borrows a concept from Xerox╒s Cedar environment and seminal Mesa programming language and offers the synchronized keyword. Code wrapped with the synchronized keyword can only be accessed by one object at a time.
Dynamic - Experienced software developers understand that software (and software requirements) evolve; they are rarely cast in stone. The microsecond an executable is released to your user community, there╒s either a bug discovered or a RFE submission. Fixing and distributing a patch or new functionality can be awkward or just plain painful with C++; a quick read of your palmtop shows that there╒s a huge recompile in your future. Java allays this problem by deferring much linkage manipulation until runtime. This feature practically eliminates the so-called fragile superclass problem in C++, where a change in a parent class forces a recompile of the child classes. Applications can be ╥patched╙ dynamically. Besides the obvious cross platform benefits, the ease of application distribution with Java is a huge win for the corporate intranets of the world.
And unlike C++, there are no name-mangling linker problems. This benefit alone will improve the corporate bottom line as corporate dental plans no longer have to cover teeth gnashing.
Source Sport
What╒s a techie article without some source code to mistype, fix, compile, fix, compile, run, fix, compile, run and then lie that it compiled on the first shot? The first thing is to obtain the Java Developer Kit (JDK) from Sun. You can download the JDK from http://java.sun.com/JDK-1.0/index.html and install it on your PC (Win95 or NT) or beefy Sun workstation running Solaris 2.3+. The JDK includes a Java interpreter, the Java bytecode compiler, a Java applet viewer, a Java debugger and a host of other Javanian utilities.
Let╒s look at a simple Java applet and a simple Java application. But before we attempt to compile and run our Java programs, a few environment variables should be set:
setenv CLASSPATH /home/java:. set CLASSPATH=C:\java;.
Can You Say Hello World?
Here╒s a simple hello world Java applet. It simply displays the string ╥Hello World╙ within the bounding rectangle of an applet. This program will also play an audio file if you╒ve recorded your own ╥hello world╙; remove the ╥//╙ comment construct before compiling.
File: helloworld.java
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class helloworld extends Applet {
public void paint (Graphics g){
g.drawString("Hello World", 25, 25);
// play(getDocumentBase(), "helloworld.au");
Translation to Java Bytecodes
Now compile this Java applet with the Java bytecode compiler:
C:\SRC>javac helloworld.java
Now create a little HTML file that uses this Java applet:
C:\SRC>type helloworld.html
<applet code=helloworld.class
Finally fire up the applet viewer utility:
C:\SRC>appletviewer helloworld.html
or use Netscape 2.0b6a+ to read this HTML page:
Location: file:///c:/src/helloworld.html
As you can see, the mechanics of writing Java applets are very easy. Detailed information on applets can be found in the book Hooked On Java by Arthur Van Hoff and Sami Shaio, and of course at http://java.sun.com. Writing Java applications are just as simple. Here╒s a Java application that displays a string to the standard output device.
File: hellofrank.java
class HelloFrank {
public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.println(╥Howdy Frank╙);
Translation to Java Bytecodes
Now compile this Java application with the Java bytecode compiler:
C:\SRC>javac hellofrank.java
But now instead of using this java program on an Web page described by an HTML file, we run the application by invoking the java interpreter directly on the java class file. Be aware that the name of the file that contains the bytecode version of your java file is derived from what you named the class including any case-sensitive differences.
C:\SRC>java HelloFrank
Howdy Frank
For additional details on Java applications visit Java Central at http://java.sun.com.
Hyper-jumping on the Bandwagon
While the language will certainly be popular with experienced programmers, most users of this wonderful technology clearly will be using Java indirectly through higher-level tools. This fact has been historically true for other many other programming languages. Several well-known companies are currently building applications and programmer toolkits for Java such as Netscape, Sun, SGI, Macromedia, Symantec, Metrowerks, Natural Intelligence and Borland. However, as radically innovative technologies typically evolve, I would expect a brand new startup company will rise above the expected IDE vendors to take the helm of the Java developer ship.
In the late 70╒s and early 80╒s, there were all sorts of interesting little software companies started in garages all over the world. It truly was an exciting time for software developers. But then during the middle 80╒s and the early 90╒s, those garages became extinct; it was virtually impossible for the little developer to create the next killer application. Massive amounts of money were needed for shelf-space. Without the all important distribution channel, your killer app is a killed app. Well, the garages are now back; the Internet is your distribution mechanism and the killer apps are being written in Java.
Frank D. Greco is the president and CEO of Crossroads Technologies, Inc., providing consulting and systems integration in advanced technologies such as Java and the Internet.
This article is copyrighted 1996 by Frank D. Greco (fgreco@monmouth.com) Crossroads Technologies, Inc. You may copy any or all parts of this article provided that this copyright paragraph is included.
Copyright Frank Greco
Writing Java code is essentially similar to writing code in
other programming languages; developers create java source code and
use a (very strict) tool to convert to a runnable format. But
now the Java development cycle adds ultra-strict run-time checking
to dramatically increase security and safety.
SIDEBAR: Some definitions
The Java language "compiler". Converts Java source code into an
intermediate binary set of opcodes called bytecodes. They are
called bytecodes because most of the opcodes are one byte in length.
The Java language runtime interpreter that is used to run previously
"compiled" Java programs.
Allows you to run Java applets without a World-Wide Web browser.
The Java language debugger which helps you find and fix bugs in
Java programs.
Used when interfacing Java code to older legacy C or C++ code.
Creates C header files and C stub files for Java classes.
Disassembles previously compiled Java bytecode files and displays
a source code representation of the Java bytecodes.
Useful tool for generating API documentation in HTML format from
Java source code. You must conform to strict (but simple) commenting